The Ministry of Electricity and Energy is implementing 29 solar power projects, with the installed capacity of 1,030 megawatts, to generate electricity in mid-2021, according to the 4th coordination meeting of National Renewable Energy Committee yesterday.
The committee meeting was held in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday, and it was attended by Union Minister for Electricity and Energy U Win Khaing as the chairman, Union Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Dr Aung Thu as the vice-chairman, Union Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation U Ohn Win, Union Minister for Transport and Communications U Thant Sin Maung, Union Attorney-General U Tun Tun Oo and committee members.
At the meeting, Union Minister U Win Khaing said that the committee has organized three meetings since it was formed in February 2019, and could work for the improvement of renewable energy in Myanmar’s Energy Mix, opening the first solar power plant in Myanmar with 40 MW capacity in Minbu on 27 June 2019, the 0.5 MW solar power plant in Manaungkyun on 19 December 2019 inaugurated by the State Counsellor.
The 0.5 MW solar power plant in Cocogyun Township began electricity generation for 24 hours every day since 4 January 2021.
After completing the ongoing solar projects, Myanmar’s energy mix for electricity generation would be 40 per cent from hydropower, 14 per cent from solar, 3 per cent from domestic natural gas, 11 per cent from liquified natural gas and 1 per cent from other sources.
When the installed capacity reached 8,118 MW, the power generation from renewable energy will account for 54 per cent and 45 per cent from clean fuel. The country has met international policies for renewable energy and exceeded the expectation of ASEAN on renewable energy.
The electrification ratio of the country has reached over 58 per cent, and renewable energy would significantly contribute in 75 per cent coverage of electricity in the country.
Moreover, the electricity supply in Yangon and Mandalay region is targeted to reach 75 per cent this year, while Myanmar has pledged at the Climate Ambition Summit which was held on 12 December last year as the preliminary event of COP 26 Climate Change Conference that will take place in Britain at the end of this year to develop up to 39 per cent of renewable energy in the country’s electricity ratio.
Under the Nationally Determined Contribution, which is aimed for the reduction of climate change, Myanmar is working to reduce carbon dioxide emission from 297 million tonnes of the present to 144 million tonnes in 2030.
Union Minister U Win Khaing also talked about the works of Department of Rural Development to set up solar mini-grid and solar home system in remote and rural areas, increasing 5 per cent of electrification rate in the country.
The MoEE will implement the floating solar project in collaboration with the MoALI, and the solar-power plant with the MoPFI. The meeting was attended by ministerial officials, Yangon City Mayor U Maung Maung Soe, Mandalay City Development Committee member Dr Thit Sin and senior members of relevant organizations via online—MNA (Translated by Aung Khin)
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